A hidden heart


TPF Noob!
Nov 8, 2010
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Half past a monkeys ass
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I was just going through these pics I took a while back, taken at my friends dads farm...and I just noticed...there is a little stone heart mixed up in the roots of this tree.
It's only symbolic to me, because in Feb this year her husband was killed by drunk driver (and her hubs was a drug and alcohol counselor...go figure)...so just wanted to share...and I think Ill give it to her too, even if the exposure sucks :blushing:
I like this very much. Good eye for noticing that! I wouldn't have ever caught it! Thank you for sharing!
I like this very much. Good eye for noticing that! I wouldn't have ever caught it! Thank you for sharing!

Thanks for saying you like it...the fact that it's burried in a patch of woods on her dads farm...and the heart...I dunno...meant to be dont ya think?
My friend Chris (the one who died) was a very spiritual guy, very much into nature and Native American beliefs, so when Kingsley sees stuff like this she swears its always meant for her...and I think this time she is right! I was there to see if I could get a shot of the albino deer...and thought the roots looked cool...hmmm
I'm the same in the sense that sometimes I will see something that I was "supposed" to see... I definitely think there could be meaning, for someone who needs it you know?
Was reading through some photography quotes just this morning and had copied this one. Thought it fit here.

The goal is not to change your subjects, but for the subject to change the photographer. ~Author Unknown
More like google is a man of many quotes
Was reading through some photography quotes just this morning and had copied this one. Thought it fit here.

The goal is not to change your subjects, but for the subject to change the photographer. ~Author Unknown

This is a solid quote.
hmmm I know my exposure is off...I dont know about so close up...I do like it...but I dont want it to look like the rock was placed there, because it certainly wasnt...I dunno what to think...I have this gut feeling since that's the way I took the pic I should leave it...
anyone else wanna weigh in b4 I print it for her?
I do like the close crop but after all the talk about how you were "supposed" to find it, I'd leave it just the way it is.
Ya...thats what i"m thinking...if I use the close up...it looks like it's just right there in open..and it wasn't it was with all those roots..kwim? am I making sense?
I would say to for sure keep it the way it is, and not crop it. =) This will make a beautiful gift :thumbup:

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