A question

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OP. here is what I suggest.

Join 15 photo forums. if one closes your thread down, post it on the next forum. By the time you go through all 15 forums locking your thead you should be able to piece together some feedback.

And what will probably happen is the same thread that got shut down on one forum will be fine on another forum. Every mod has a different set of prejudices.

But you being a pro, you can only get so much useful info out of these forums. The top pros and museum photogs are not here. As Amoiltor pointed out, I am talking to the wrong bunch of people whan I ask questions about curators here. But being they wont let me into the curator forum, I sometimes bounce stuff of you guys.
It's not quite the same as a regular thread locking, since the moderator did make general threats about locking any and all threads sight-unseen simply due to having a certain kind of title he didn't like. Which doesn't just apply to imagemaker, and does sort of imply an expansion of moderator activity that could affect other people.

Maybe he was being sarcastic, but can't really ask about it or discuss it since, you know, it was locked...
Thread locked.

Our policy on personal disagreements with moderators/staff has already been stated and whilst we are not shy of being open about moderation and our policies; private discussion is where personal disagreements or disputes should be taking place, not in the open forum. We have moderators and admin staff who can be reached with the private messaging system and users are free to talk to any with regard to problems, issues or clarifications.
In this specific case if any (including the op) have continued concerns please follow this guideline and content one of the staff in private to discuss matters.

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