A tout le monde


Mental case
Dec 14, 2003
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F@cking Hell
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A tout le monde
A tout mes amis
Je vous aime
Je dois partir
This was another shot when I was workin on Secret Admirer. I was inspired by the lyrice to Megadeths song, A tout le Monde:lol:
A tout le monde (To all of the world)
A tout mes amis (To all my friends)
Je vous aime (I love you)
Je dois partir (I must leave)
Another powerful image. I love the shadow on the side of the mask and the light on the top edge of the knife blade. Looks like a difficult shot to light/take, given you were both photog and subject.
i love the lighting along the blade!!!

stunning work as usual!
Thanks so much everyone. Appreciate your comments. :)
Wooo chiller!!!! Long time! Still impressing me!!! Love it sooo much
Ooh this is very nice! It has a very V for Vendetta feel to it for me. :)
Thank you so much for your kind words. Really appreciate it.

Fotophia.....whoa...how cool is it to see you. Hope things are well. Sure miss you around these parts.

Must go see what V for Vendetta is.

Thanks again. :D:D
I love that song, and cool pic. I've already got my tickets for Megadeth on 420
amazing photo.

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