F fotogenik TPF Noob! Joined Jan 16, 2006 Messages 345 Reaction score 1 Location Louisville, Kentucky Jun 8, 2006 #1 A typical night out with my friend Owen at a little place called the taproom here in town. We were discussing my shooting his upcoming wedding on July 1st. http://www.snmphoto.com/blog/images/20060608210146_owen-b&w.jpg
A typical night out with my friend Owen at a little place called the taproom here in town. We were discussing my shooting his upcoming wedding on July 1st. http://www.snmphoto.com/blog/images/20060608210146_owen-b&w.jpg
LaFoto Just Corinna in real life Staff member Supporting Member Joined Feb 1, 2004 Messages 34,813 Reaction score 822 Location Lower Saxony, Germany Can others edit my Photos Photos NOT OK to edit Jun 9, 2006 #2 WHO wants to MARRY him :shock: :crazy: Just joking. What a fun picture.
nealjpage multi format master in a film geek package Joined Sep 16, 2005 Messages 3,479 Reaction score 1 Location Oregon Website www.myspace.com Can others edit my Photos Photos OK to edit Jun 9, 2006 #3 LOL. That's how you clap with one hand! Oh, and you should be sure to include that picture in a couple's slide show, if they have one.
LOL. That's how you clap with one hand! Oh, and you should be sure to include that picture in a couple's slide show, if they have one.