Abandoned Fire Escape


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Mar 23, 2012
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Hey guys, took an HDR of a fire escape today. I thought it looked pretty cool. What do you think?


I think there's potential there, but I find it a bit too tight, especially on the RH side. It might also benefit from some perspective correction, and I think a monochrome conversion would suit it well.
There is no subject in this photo, just my 2 cents.
I llike it. My first on the thumbnail was "convert to B&W". When I opened it I see the color in the metal sides, thats what would have grabbed my eye for a quick shot. A little more depth to the bottom might help. Cropped that tight to the bottom makes it look more like a ramp on the horizontal run. My 2cents worth.
Yeah I was thinking the main thing I'd get flack for is the cropping. I'll post the uncropped version and see what you guys think. Thanks!

Here is an uncropped, earlier version of the image.



If you got close to the fire escape and captured the rust better there would be more of a sense of abandonment/interest.

It looks like a neat ride, nonetheless. :)
If you got close to the fire escape and captured the rust better there would be more of a sense of abandonment/interest.

It looks like a neat ride, nonetheless. :)

I liked the shape though.... I just wish that dumb railing wasn't in front.

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