Above angle second floor


TPF Noob!
Jul 7, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
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I took one photo of my neighbors

From PicShaikh">
Last edited:
Wow! I like that. A lot! That's a really interesting and unique composition. Understanding you've not asked for C&C, I will take the liberty of posting my thoughts. There are two minor niggles I have; one is the blown out tray which, because it's so bright tends to grab the eye, and the other is the off-square grid of the tiles. I would suggest squaring/leveling the image based on the tile grid and perhaps a boost of the hue/saturation to bring out the colour.
nice pov...

the grid doesn't bother me so much... but i wouldn't mind if it was even more skewed so it didn't seem like it was inadvertent...

the textures are good... colors are good...

the clothesline bugs me a little bit... seems to cut off the corner... not sure what can be done about it though...

ditto the blown out tray... maybe recover a little in the raw converter...
Yes I did not notice it's little off square, I will straight it thanks ;)
The clothesline doesn't bother me at all. The line mimics her leg. It is a wonderful area of repetition.

I would try burning the bowl so it isn't as bright, and level the picture.
Hey--great shot! I love the overhead angle of view....and all of the strong lines, on the ground,the clothesline, the round shapes of the pans, everything is just super! What a nice look at another culture...a real-life scene very well-shown!
I like it a lot. Nice creative angle. I agree with everything everyone said. I did a quick edit removing the clothesline, leveling the frame, and trying to bring down the levels of the guys outfit and the plate. Unfortunately I could only bring it down very slightly, because its not a RAW file so the plate is still pretty bright.

Thank you guys , you really helped , :thumbup:

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