Abstract tree fun!


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 21, 2013
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Bailey, Colorado
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Probably not the tree you were expecting.

Decided to have a little fun and took an old candy dish, then flashed a color changing led light through to the base. As it was exposing I defocused the lens, and added a little shadow work in post.

The edges of the silhouette look wrong.
Try duplicating the silhouette layer and adding a small amount of Gaussian blur to it and then using that layer as an overlay on top of the original silhouette layer and use the opacity slider to get an effect you like. It will impart a dreamlike effect to it you might like or might not, it couldn't hurt to try.
I tried with the whole image you uploaded but not with the results I'd like to have gotten from just the layers being done separately.
Very cool and creative!
Thank you! it was fun to create!
The edges of the silhouette look wrong.
Try duplicating the silhouette layer and adding a small amount of Gaussian blur to it and then using that layer as an overlay on top of the original silhouette layer and use the opacity slider to get an effect you like. It will impart a dreamlike effect to it you might like or might not, it couldn't hurt to try.
Nice catch! I did take the lazy way out and used quick selection instead of the pen tool. So the edges are definitely not as smooth as they could be for sure! This was just for fun in a small bit of free time I had. Not looking for technical perfection. Thanks for the thought, though!
Allright @Desert Rose I gave it a shot. I only went to a 2. I thought anything further was a bit too far. Definitely an easy way to smooth out the edges a bit! Thanks for the tip.


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