Action HDR, C&C if you want.

Never been a fan of HDR for HDR's sake (semantics aside, you know what HDR is referring to, even if the application of the word isn't correct). Still for a first shot, it is a nice one. At least you are aware of the limitations of single shot HDR photography. And with the proper technique, no it is not impossible to get a bracketed action shot for the purposes of HDR photography.
Crop is better... but what does it look like without the tone mapping? Doesn't seem like there is a lot of range here. Seems like HDR (or EDR whatever) for HDRs sake. This is coming from someone who only likes HDR only to the point that it creates images that replicate what we can see.
the halo'ing ruins this photo, were you able to get rid of it??

edit: sorry missed this page, decent job removing the halo but its still a bit noticable IMO

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