African game reserve C&C


TPF Noob!
Jan 3, 2012
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Jacksonville, NC
Can others edit my Photos
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I'm currently living in Djibouti, Africa and took they day off a while back to visit a wild game refuge with my friends. It seemed like a good opportunity to work on my photography skills.
Let me know what you think, and what I could do better in the future. Thanks.



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Thanks. That guy in the skirt was awesome. The ostrich would bite him and he would just slap it in the face. It was hillarious.

Anyways, what did you particularly like?
Is there anything I could do better?
I like the second one, it's something aobut it's butt. jk
A general principle which is note worthy is to include a thing completely within the frame, except on occasions which demands it to be otherwise; for instance in the first two images the ostrich and dear are cut off :D ( i too commit such mistakes though ;) )

Regards :D
I like the fourth one (with the tortoise), but I'm wondering how it would have worked with the front tortoise in focus and the group in the background blurry. Kind of like a "what does she have that I don't have" image.
Thanks for the advice.
Normally I would have tried to include the hooves of the gazelle in #2, but he only stopped moving for a second. I snapped a shot quickly and this is what I got.
I like the third one and the last one =) I think 2 is weird because you shot a picture of its butt... lol

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