After the rain is before the rain ...


Just Corinna in real life
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Feb 1, 2004
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Lower Saxony, Germany
Can others edit my Photos
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Last Thursday, when I also took this_photo, I did not take ONLY that one. After days of endless greyness and rain, the sun was out for a couple of hours on that day and I had to go out and take photos! The moment was short-lived enough as it was, so I had to make the most of it.

I went out to document some of the flooded meadows (again), of which there are many, many, many around here. This is so because the little river that runs through here has flood plains all around it so once it has high water the water can extend to all sides.

The Powershot saw this one from my first location:


The view is towards the east and I had the sun in my back (it was past 4 in the afternoon). As you can see the sky was quite nice in that direction. The water is NOT river water. All that is blue and wet ought to be meadows...

The 350D saw this in the north-east-east direction:


(Here I went for the clouds, less so for the flooded meadows)

Turning west (past the point where there was this hopefull_hole_in_the_sky ), my 350D captured this sight of an incoming new storm system gradually veiling the sun again:


I then changed locations, went a bit further down and stopped at a point where I'd get a clear view west - and first tried out the powers of my Powershot again for this one here:


It is quite quite underexposed so I'd not blow out the sky, and now I am wondering if it works that way???

The 350D allowed me to zoom in onto the "lake" that actually is just meadows and capture some of the magic light that the veiled sun produced ...


... and from there I took many more (always just TRYING, and underexposing much as not to lose the detail in the sunny or reflecting parts), but with these two I am so uncertain, I did not even put my usual frame around them, tell me if and if so why I have cause to be all uncertain...



... but I feel that with this (last) one here, all else sort of pales in comparison:

That's a useable photo. The thing about exposing for highlights is that you need to pull back the shadows so bring that detail back in. That's what you're missing here.
Very nice :) my favourites are 3, 4, 6 and 8.

3 amazing rays in the sky

4 has forground interest which i think number 7 lacks.

6 the water leads your eye straight to the tree

8 the rays in the sky make the shot

Thank you for your really fast replies.
And Sw1tchFX ... erm ... I did work on the shadow parts selectively in pp, as much as I thought I could without creating halos or "false light" parts ... maybe I underexposed TOO much to begin with? But the light behind the clouds is very very much on the brink of being too hot ....

So the purely golden water does not speak, Duncan?
Good to know ... It is important to get other people's opinions!!!
Thank you for your really fast replies.
And Sw1tchFX ... erm ... I did work on the shadow parts selectively in pp, as much as I thought I could without creating halos or "false light" parts ... maybe I underexposed TOO much to begin with? But the light behind the clouds is very very much on the brink of being too hot ....

So the purely golden water does not speak, Duncan?
Good to know ... It is important to get other people's opinions!!!

the golden water is nice, but people commonlt manipulate it into their pictures nowadays, the light rays IMO a re rarer and i enjoy seing them more :)
Oh, but, but, but :cry: ... my golden water was not manipulated into my photo ... sniff-sniff ...

Just joking.
It's ok.
Some nice shots there! I too, like Duncan, love to see the rays of light through the clouds.

You're right to expose for the highlights since detail isn't so readily lost in shodows. You could try bracketing the shot to get the closest exposure (or use a film with a wide exposure lattitude! :lol: )

In the darkroom or maybe in PS you would dodge the shadows to bring back the detail, but the exposure must be close enough to begin with.
Very nice pictures, I like the dark and gloomy look of 4. The contrast of backlighting appeals to me.
2007!!! Some nice shots in there!!
#4 is my fav.!!! Love the shades of blue!!
Mishele was busy last few days , sinking and bringing shore the pearls went down in the depth of time ;)

First and fourth are my album covers

Regards :D

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