Angled Prints


TPF Noob!
Jul 20, 2006
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Lafayette, Louisiana
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Might be an off the wall question, but I've noticed a lot of images shot at angles, where the image is tilted, say at a 45 degree angle, particularly with portrait/model work.

Is this typically done in the camera during composition or in post processing, i.e. rotating image and cropping?
It can be done either way-which ever the photographer is most comfortable with. It can be done by rotating the camera to the desired angle or by using the crop tool in photoshop to crop and rotate the photo to get a specific look after a portrait shoot.
Probably a good idea to get that angle in camera because cropping will cut out a good portion of the shot.
rmh159 said:
Probably a good idea to get that angle in camera because cropping will cut out a good portion of the shot.


also keep in mind that you can't do it with every's something that you do only if it will make a better or more interesting composition.
good point, i would say your better off doing it in post, then you can have it both ways . . . its harder to undo, and you may lose too much of the image
although i shoot a lot of things angled now - a - days, sometimes i regret it

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