Angry zoo people and scary tigers-oh my

So I came upon my first rude person today while at the zoo (York's Wild Animal Kingdom in Maine). I was walking near the Tiger cage and I noticed the Siberian Tiger was up and moving around very quickly compared to when I saw him earlier. As soon as I walked by the corner of the cage, the tiger ran directly at me, jumped about 5 feet in the air, grabbed onto the chain link fence with his claws on all four paws and then pushed off and landed on the ground!!!! All about 10 feet from me... :pale: Unfortunately, I never got a shot of it because I was in the stance to run for my life... I then walked further down and went to get a picture of him and an older woman with kids told her kids to move (thinking they were in the way of me shooting. I kindly replied, "Oh no, don't worry no big deal" She then says "thanks for scaring the Tiger off, if it wasn't for your flash, you wouldn't have scared him!" I basically told her off and said I didn't even have my camera on at the time he jumped and then I walked away. Some people are just so rude. Looking back on it, I think it's kinda funny because I had nothing to do with it. (there were lots of people there before me to aggravate him).
You got pictures of the lady and her kids though, right? ;)

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