Anna's Hummingbird


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Oct 2, 2008
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Vancouver Island
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Well, how did you get the damed thing to pose so perfectly?
Great photo detail is excellent. I just wish that big red feeder wasn't so distracting. My only other comment be careful with that feeder. Those can be difficult to clean & potentially be harmful to the Hummers. Sorry for my public service announcement ! [emoji1]
Really nice!!!
And as for my thoughts, I think I am going to go make a quick snack! ;)
excellent capture. i really like this..

i wonder if you put the right type of flowers out if they would go to those instead of a feeder, i think i may try and get some sort of flowers that they like next spring and see if i can get some shots of them with real flowers. ill keep the feeder out there too and see what happens.
excellent capture. i really like this..

i wonder if you put the right type of flowers out if they would go to those instead of a feeder, i think i may try and get some sort of flowers that they like next spring and see if i can get some shots of them with real flowers. ill keep the feeder out there too and see what happens.
Danny let me know if you need help with flower types. I have an extensive hummingbird garden
excellent capture. i really like this..

i wonder if you put the right type of flowers out if they would go to those instead of a feeder, i think i may try and get some sort of flowers that they like next spring and see if i can get some shots of them with real flowers. ill keep the feeder out there too and see what happens.
Thanks Danny, This shot doesn't show it, but I don't even have foliage now, let alone flowers. And yes, in the spring I intend to plant flowers that attract the little devils.
Great photo detail is excellent. I just wish that big red feeder wasn't so distracting. My only other comment be careful with that feeder. Those can be difficult to clean & potentially be harmful to the Hummers. Sorry for my public service announcement ! [emoji1]
Thanks. I do go to great lengths to keep the feeders clean, including rinsing them out with bleach a couple times a year. That feeder is about 6 years old and is in use 365.

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