Another Newborn Shoot! Loving these itty bitty models!


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Dec 15, 2013
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Carol Stream, IL
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Wheeeew! Haven't been on in awhile, been a busy bee (thankfully because I hate ramen noodles lol) so here's my second newborn session with gorgeous Roman. He was a little older than I would've liked (exactly 3 weeks) but he slept peacefully about 90% of the time so that was awesome! He was a bit on the larger side though, weighing around 10lbs so not many of my props would hold him. Feel free to C&C and I'll try to not cry about your responses :wink:

$preview3 (2).jpg$preview1 (2).jpg$preview2 (3).jpg
I think these are wonderful! I really like #1!
I think all 3 are fantastic but number 2 is my favorite!
Absolutely gorgeous especially #3.
Number 2 is my favorite, but I think it could be improved if mom had no sleeves or at least solid color sleeves. The stripes keep drawing my eye.
The third one could have been better by turning his face to the camera.

I think you did a good job.
I have a Newborn shoot tomorrow (actually a 1 month old but baby was in hospital for a long while) so I'll post some pics and you can critique me. I'm sure I'll need it!
Number 2 is my favorite, but I think it could be improved if mom had no sleeves or at least solid color sleeves. The stripes keep drawing my eye.
The third one could have been better by turning his face to the camera.

I think you did a good job.
I have a Newborn shoot tomorrow (actually a 1 month old but baby was in hospital for a long while) so I'll post some pics and you can critique me. I'm sure I'll need it!

Thank no you for the helpful critique! I love #3 but knew it was lacking that "something something" think it would have looked spot on if he was facing the camera like you said. Yes Mom's top was a bit distracting also!
My favorite is #3. I love the way the light is shining down on him, and the way he is lying there so peacefully.

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