Another Veteran's Portrait Project Session (with a twist)

I think a expanding the canvas a bit and creating a smidgeon more top space would elevate the strength of this portrait.
Had another Veteran's portrait project session today; Andrew had called me over a month ago, but there were some scheduling issues and we only just got the session done today. In our discussions prior to the shoot, Andrew's trade hadn't come up. It turns out he was a Clearance Diver, and had this morning, as he put it, a brilliant idea, of borrowing this antique hard-hat. My lighting plan did NOT include a large, more-or-less round and highly reflective posing bench, but, after a few tweaks with light position, I think we pulled it off satisfactorily. As always, comments, critique and suggestions appreciated.


CPO2 Andrew Gilmour, CD, RCN (Ret'd)
Wow! Formal and interesting!
Yeah, I think you DID just about manage to pull it off. ;) Nice one John, as usual. :)
(And a very merry Christmas to you.)

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