Any joksters out there


TPF Noob!
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
Madison Alabama
who happen to be really good with photoshop?

Ok, I realize this is a really crappy was taken as a joke at work. I was wondering if some of you photoshop pros would like to join in the fun and edit this guy to be standing next to a hog....

Not a harley - but an actual hog! Preferably a LARGE hog

Our entire department would be forever greatful!

It would be helpful to have a full frame to work with. It would take a very skinny pig indeed to fit into the space beside this guy. Probably not absolutely necessary, but would 1. make it a hell of a lot easier and 2. end up with a much better result.
dgs said:
It would be helpful to have a full frame to work with. It would take a very skinny pig indeed to fit into the space beside this guy. Probably not absolutely necessary, but would 1. make it a hell of a lot easier and 2. end up with a much better result.

Thanks...someone fixed it for me...This is perfect!
Don't know if you can find one . . . but if you can produce a picture of this fine leathered fellow actually kick starting his bike, my fevered mind has a truly warped image hovering in it.

pm me <grin>

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