Araneus Marmoreus (Marbled Orb-Weaver)


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Jun 4, 2010
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Wisconsin, United States
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I came across this orange and yellow beauty in my driveway today. I relocated it to a nearby shrub and promptly ran to get my camera. What beautiful coloration! I've never seen one of these before and I enlisted my dad in helping with the identification. Apparently they die off with the first major frost each year, and they are hard to find because they often hide near the edge of their webs. And did I mention it was HUGE! I think the body was close to a half or three quarters of an inch across.

1. D800, 105mm f/2.8 @ f/16, 1/6 sec, ISO 100

2. D800, 105mm F/2.8 @ f/16, 1/20 sec, ISO 280
Beautiful spider and nice pictures.
What a fatty!
I ran across one a few years ago with that same color. I chalked it up to the nuke plant nearby!:barbershop_quartet_member:

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