Australian Bird eating spider, feeding


TPF Noob!
Dec 12, 2005
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Hi all,
A pic of my bird eating Tarantula feeding, some might think its grosse but i think its cool lol ;)
Hi and thanx for the comment,its eaing a meal worm.
You have any t's yourself?
lol, I thought it was literally going to be a bird eating a spider but this is just as good. Love the detail in the hair etc. do i see 10 legs? or do the front two count as hands..I dont know much about spiders.

Very cool . Man..what a spider.
the front two are called pedipalps. In scorpions they have grown to be the claws. If i got my facts straight. But it was something in those lines.
doenoe said:
the front two are called pedipalps. In scorpions they have grown to be the claws. If i got my facts straight. But it was something in those lines. that french for friends of the feet?lol thanks for the info, it was bugging me... no pun intended.

it is not cool... it is fury and disgusting... and scary... I hate spiders... but I appreciate you that you did SUCH an extreme close up... I can't look at this photo any longer....
mentos_007 said:
it is not cool... it is fury and disgusting... and scary... I hate spiders... but I appreciate you that you did SUCH an extreme close up... I can't look at this photo any longer....

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