B&H Has Lost My Business


TPF Noob!
Mar 23, 2015
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Phoenix, AZ
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Guilty in the court of public opinion... nice.

While B&H hasn't had its day in court regarding the more recent charges, they do have a history of discrimination.
"In 2007, the national retail chain paid $4.3 million to settle a separate discrimination case."


The lack of conclusion is due to delaying tactics by B&H.

"The investigation found preliminarily that at least 57 of 170 Hispanic workers earned significantly less than their white counterparts, and 201 Hispanic employees were relegated to lower status and lower-paying jobs when compared with their white counterparts who were promoted."
I've had business with the Federal government for decades. I know how they work, their expectations, their codes and regulations. They move very slowly but sure-footedly on this type of stuff and rarely are their findings completely wrong.
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Wait until Trump chimes in. He knows if it's fake news or not.
The investigation was completed in 2014, but the agency was unable to reach a settlement or get B&H to agree to corrective actions, said a Labor spokesman.
I've heard similar stories for years now. It's not enough simply to boycott a particular enterprise, you have to tell them why you're boycotting and that you will spread the news far and wide on the Internet.
.. a side of me did not want to believe it and treated them as rumors.
"Henry Posner, a spokesman for B&H.." Hmm....I wonder... any relation to Leonard Posner?

There is another side to this story that is missing from the newspaper article.
.. a side of me did not want to believe it and treated them as rumors.
"Henry Posner, a spokesman for B&H.." Hmm....I wonder... any relation to Leonard Posner?

There is another side to this story that is missing from the newspaper article.
So, what is it? Please provide the other side.
Discrimination against others has no religious boundaries. Would you also not do business with Adorama because not only are they also owned by Hasidic Jews, but there is speculation that it is within the same family? I personally do not believe in discrimination against others because of the skin color, or religious beliefs, but I also have learned not to judge others, even if I know all the facts. If there are investigations by the appropriate authorities then I'll leave it to them to pass judgement.
Discrimination against others has no religious boundaries. Would you also not do business with Adorama because not only are they also owned by Hasidic Jews, but there is speculation that it is within the same family? I personally do not believe in discrimination against others because of the skin color, or religious beliefs, but I also have learned not to judge others, even if I know all the facts. If there are investigations by the appropriate authorities then I'll leave it to them to pass judgement.

Others have passed judgement:
"In 2007, the national retail chain paid $4.3 million to settle a separate discrimination case."
..."In 2007, the national retail chain paid $4.3 million to settle a separate discrimination case."
Okay, but that doesn't actually mean that they were guilty of anything. It's very common for large businesses to pay settlements just to make a problem go away.
It is an extremely well run company - the best in the business. I don't tend to judge companies by internet rumors. It seems to me that if they hate hispanics, they wouldn't hire them. A well run company doesn't hire people just to make them unhappy. It simply makes no sense. I did order from Adorama today, though, if that makes folks feel better.

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