Baby Great Horned Owls


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Mar 12, 2010
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Went back to get some better shots of the baby GHO's that I saw last week. Mom wasn't around this time, but both of the kids were out.





The wife came with me this time, normally she is completely uninterested in birds, but she had a lot of fun watching these guys with the binoculars.

Jedi, I thought your daughter might enjoy these heh :D
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Nice set, I like what you've done.
Nice set, I like what you've done.


Oh, wow, baby OWLS; that's a winner!! They look like they were blow-dried or something! :lmao:
First one is my favorite--so stinkin' cute!

hah, yeah they're like cotton balls. #1 is my favorite of this group too. I took a bunch of shots, but each time my shutter would click they'd start staring intently at me like #2/4, so I'd have to take a few, wait for them to stop staring, take a few more, wait. heh
Oh my gosh look at that fluffy owl, it's so fluffyyyyy I'm goona die!
Great set!

(for those that don't know where that is from...)
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Damn, that sure is a cutie! Great shots of a great subject!
Went back to get some better shots of the baby GHO's that I saw last week. Mom wasn't around this time, but both of the kids were out.

The wife came with me this time, normally she is completely uninterested in birds, but she had a lot of fun watching these guys with the binoculars.

Jedi, I thought your daughter might enjoy these heh :D

I didn't read that last line until *after* I showed her all of the photos (had to yell "Brynley! Get in here, You'll love these!"), and of course got plenty of "awwwww"s and "oooooh"s from her.

Personally, I love the sharp talon showing in #3 and #4, reminding us that while he's cute, he may not be cuddly, and will grow up to eat all our small pets.

I award you 27 photography points, as follows:
... 5 points for eliciting the response from my daughter
... 5 points for knowing in advance you were going to elicit the response
... 5 points for taking your wife
... 5 points for catching the talon there on #3 and #4
... and I suppose the remaining 7 for getting sweet pics of something not ever seen in many people's lifetimes

Totally just had a squee moment when I saw these. They are such a lump of fluff! I bet that would be soft to hug, well except for them biting you with their beak and the moms claws in the back of your skull. But still, it might be worth it.
nice photos.

I think you may be on the right track with the wife. I brought mine one time, but there was not much activity and only herons and egrets, so she said I will be in the car... I failed, now I probably never will get another chance. LOL
I agree with the folks above! :headbang:

I know it wouldn't be a good idea, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to scoop up the owl in shot 2 and nuzzle it.
Stupendous! And look at the size of their feet!
Cool photos. I like the second one a lot. Nice shootin.
Excellent shots!

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