Beach Shots with a new camera

Bryan Pereira

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Jan 15, 2014
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First Images shot with the Nikon Z9. I did a review covering interiors, action, etc. here are the portrait ones.

beach meta 2 exposuretours.webp



It looks like the new camera is working fine ...
It looks like the new camera is working fine ...
It is very nice, next year ill be testing it on safari so lets see how it handles that. I did review it with a few comparison notes on the Sony A1 and canon R1 and R3
Wonderful stop action on the first two. Nice set of images! I really like the happy emotion the last one evokes.
Nice set! My personal choice, but I'd either crop or clone the sailboat out, especially in the first photo. Your model is a lovely young lady, and I believe the boat distracts some from her. She should be the sole center of attention. Just my 2 cents, of course.

Nice set! My personal choice, but I'd either crop or clone the sailboat out, especially in the first photo. Your model is a lovely young lady, and I believe the boat distracts some from her. She should be the sole center of attention. Just my 2 cents, of course.

Hey chuck, its so funny you mention that as i prefer a different crop too but wanted to show the full image, on the Z9 review I actually show a horizontal crop which I prefer (although there is space for a vertical full body as well. got to love the versatility of these high res cameras
Nikon Z9 Review - Exposure Tours

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