Beauty Portrait (Critiques welcomed)


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Apr 8, 2014
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Hi all! Been on a rage for beauty portraits, trying to perfect my skills. What do you guys think of this? Taken with a Canon 5D Mark II
Shutter Speed: 1/250
Aperture: f/4
Lens: 70-200 2.8

To be honest, I'm not seeing this as a 'beauty portrait'. A couple of things sort of "bug" me; the eyes all the way over to one side (Ideally a bit of sclera visible on both sides is considered ideal), the cropped beret tip, the cluttered background and her slightly 'annoyed' expression.
I'd have to agree with tirediron. Speaking from a modeling background, I don't think I would have had this classified as a 'beauty portrait'. The ones I've seen have always been very clean and simple. No hats or bulky scarves or anything like that. The emphasis was on the model's facial structure, not the fashion.

That being said, it is a lovely picture, and really seems to capture a personality. Feels very artsy, with the beret and the scarf. I do like it. :)

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The first thing I notice is the light. I don't like the way it causes the nose to cast such a large and noticeable shadow on her cheek. Perhaps the light source was a little too low. If it were higher I thing it would create more flattering shadows that lend a lot more to a beauty portrait.
To be honest, I'm not seeing this as a 'beauty portrait'. A couple of things sort of "bug" me; the eyes all the way over to one side (Ideally a bit of sclera visible on both sides is considered ideal), the cropped beret tip, the cluttered background and her slightly 'annoyed' expression.

Thanks for the feedback tirediron. I must admit I am lacking of experience in this type of one-on-one shots but I will keep using feedback to improve on it! Appreciate your comments=)
The first thing I notice is the light. I don't like the way it causes the nose to cast such a large and noticeable shadow on her cheek. Perhaps the light source was a little too low. If it were higher I thing it would create more flattering shadows that lend a lot more to a beauty portrait.

So perhaps I should use something to block out a little of the light when I am taking the shot? This was taken in the evening, guess it still has some glare...
Beauty shots are usually very clean, very simple (lack of elements) and more evenly lit on the lit side (if there's any shadow at all) Usually the skin is very smoothed and the eyes highlighted.

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