Belt Parkway nightlights w/ Verrazano Bridge bkgrd


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Jun 27, 2011
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New York
Can others edit my Photos
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djportalatin said:
Here are a couple of shots I took after work this past Friday. Hope you enjoy! Please feel free to provide insight on how these photos could be improved, both compositionally and in post production.
Belt Parkway Lights w/ Verrazano Bridge Backdrop by Daniel Portalatin Photography, on Flickr
Verrazano Bridge @ Sundown by Daniel Portalatin Photography, on Flickr

Both really great shots. I'd say the only improvements would be cutting out some distracting objects like the building behind the bridge on the left in the 1st photo and the tree sticking out on the left in the 2nd photo.
I like the composition of #1. There is one thing that bugs me though is in the upper left the bridge lights either go out of the frame or just to the edge. I think there needs to be some space there.
Scuba said:
You could use photoshop to add some sky space above it.

Interesting. Add additional canvas space and copy the sky? If not, how would you just doing this?

I have never done it but I know it can be done. There is a feature that interpolates new pixels to extend the canvas. Someone chime in and help me out on the explanation please.

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