Bicycle Pinups

Pinups are, by definition, sexy. These don't get there for me. Since you're showing so much leg, you need to show more of the calf rather than her shins. The lens also distorts too much.
I appreciate the critique and comments on my amateur project. I enjoy vintage bicycles and am surrounded by wonderful girls who wish to model with them. By allowing my first wave of work to be critiqued i will grow as a photographer and produce better art! Again, I appreciate your comments and I wish to grow the aesthetic value of my work.

Thanks for this: "(Can't stress enough that that's not the only "right" way to do portraiture. I'm just repeatedly suggesting it for YOU in particular, because you seem to be choosing dramatic focal lengths and angles mostly for their own sake and not in ways that clearly further the image, so I'd step away from those drama-makers for awhile and practice the fundamentals more)"

It would be helpful if you actually mentioned why you were posting new images instead of just posting more. Are these intended to be examples of something more pinup? Or do you just want more critique in general? Or what?

Both of the last two look really badly out of proportion, again from using a wide lens from too close. In this case, since the lens it very low, it makes her look like she has freakishly huge thick legs, which is very unflattering.

Same technical advice as before: longer lens, further away. A wide lens CAN be really great for portraiture, but only if it is used very cleverly to exaggerate features in a way that still flatters. Which is not happening here.

Also, like many people, I find it very distracting when something that we know is very straight (like bricks or pillars) are not straight. If there's a good artistic reason to draw somebody's attention to that, then great. But I don't think there is such a good reason here. The bricks/pillars just sort of make me pay less attention to the model. Again, can be addressed with a longer lens, further away, and from a more eye-level height.

(Can't stress enough that that's not the only "right" way to do portraiture. I'm just repeatedly suggesting it for YOU in particular, because you seem to be choosing dramatic focal lengths and angles mostly for their own sake and not in ways that clearly further the image, so I'd step away from those drama-makers for awhile and practice the fundamentals more)
Hm. No offense if I'm wrong, but are you sure you're a real human being, not a chat robot of some sort?

1) Forum name that matches the first thread seems a little impractical/odd.
2) Generic sort of text in the OP that could apply to just about anything
3) Then a bunch of photos with no comments or responses to anything anybody said.
4) Then another generic canned-sounding response that could also apply to anything anybody had said.

I'd be happy to look at and comment on additional photos, but not if they are just being catalogued in an automatic database somewhere to generate content for filler blog articles for profit or something.
It would be good if you read post #17

Thank you for the forum and allowing me to continue to post my original work, which is intended to be bicycle pinups, or photos of cute girls with vintage bikes, to receive professional criticism so I may improve my photography techniques and appreciate further the aesthetic value of this subject.

Kindest Regards,

Dave (bicyclepinups)

PS- nice to meet you jenks

Hm. No offense if I'm wrong, but are you sure you're a real human being, not a chat robot of some sort?

1) Forum name that matches the first thread seems a little impractical/odd.
2) Generic sort of text in the OP that could apply to just about anything
3) Then a bunch of photos with no comments or responses to anything anybody said.
4) Then another generic canned-sounding response that could also apply to anything anybody had said.

I'd be happy to look at and comment on additional photos, but not if they are just being catalogued in an automatic database somewhere to generate content for filler blog articles for profit or something.
As the bicycle season dies down I have time to look through my photos and see what the results are. Thank you all for your keen eyes and words of encouragement.

These are photos I've taken of my vintage bicycles with models this spring and summer of 2013. I have enjoyed the time it's taken to produce them, and I'm presenting them to the forum to gleen information on how to be a better photographer. I have sensed I can use my time more wisely if i frame the shots differently and use more fundamental perspectives as jenks has already pointed out. It would be helpful if you could give photgraphic examples either of your own or others as a picture is indeed worth a thousand words. I have taken very literally 5000 photos of girls with a variety of vintage bicycles this summer. I have posted a few artistic favorites off the tip of my artistic iceberg.

Thank you for the tips, I am not interested in being challenged as to my authenticity as a human being, my photos speak for themselves, they are my personal photos, and of the limited time I have to post here I wish to make the most of it and absorb valuable information on being a better photographer. Every breath is precious and I wish to make the most of each one.

Kindest Regards,

Dave (bicyclepinups)
Being a cyclist myself since the 70's I have seen alot of the pinups throughout the years. Including the infamous naked Cinelli lady riding through a brick wall .. or something like that. At least parts of it are still burnt into my mind several decades later.

I have to agree about the proportions on the pictures. The wide angle lens just causes problems.

But there are websites out there showing alot of bicycle pinups.
Most of them are to fuel the imagination of the viewer, not necessarily to identify 100% that they are cyclinst, pretend to be cyclist or even know what a bicycle is or how it functions.

You get some pretty weird things like
Wow Girls on Bikes
Bike Girl Pinups | Sexy Girls on Sexy Bikes

some vintage t-shirt items such as
Velo-Retro: Vintage T-Shirts: Pinups

I just can't seem to find the one website I'm thinking of which has alot of vintage cycling pinup pictures. It's from a vintage bicycle place but not here though they do have some VeloArt Velo Art
These are photos I've taken of my vintage bicycles with models this spring and summer of 2013. I have enjoyed the time it's taken to produce them, and I'm presenting them to the forum to gleen information on how to be a better photographer. I have sensed I can use my time more wisely if i frame the shots differently and use more fundamental perspectives as jenks has already pointed out.

In this spirit, I'd suggest posting ONE AT A TIME for C&C and then see what you can learn. Be sure to focus on "how would I achieve that" when reading the C&C. If you don't know how to achieve it, ask. People will give guidance.

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