Birds of prey, with a touch of holiday spirit.


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Feb 7, 2013
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Atlanta, GA, USA
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My family and I went to a Birds of Prey show over the weekend. The birds flew through the crowd, extremely low to their next feeding post. The kids laughed as the bird feathers grazed their heads. It was really cool to see.

Here are two of the birds they exhibited. The berries made a very nice backdrop, especially this time of year.

Great Horned Owl

Red Tail Hawk
It doesn't fit the thread title, but who doesn't like more bird shots!

This is the third and last bird they brought out. It was tethered to the trainer's hand and did not fly among the crowd.

Broad Winged Hawk
Nice shots! There is a nearby raptor rescue center that does flight demos. I get a years membership and go there to practice BIFs which I suck at.
Nice shots! There is a nearby raptor rescue center that does flight demos. I get a years membership and go there to practice BIFs which I suck at.

Thanks! I attempted to catch them in flight, but they were not very sharp, so I didn't post them. My ISO was already pegged at my 2000 limit, I had shutter speed around 1/500 for some of those.
you need at least 1/1000 for birds in flight, 1/2000 would be ideal but the most i ever go is 1/1250. even at 1/1000 i still get some wing blur at times.

1/500 is great for stationary birds.

i do not see that much noise in your photo, you probably could have went higher with the ISO, i got mine set to 10,000 for the limit. not sure about the 5100 you have but the 5300 i had did well up to about 6400 iso.. if the background has too much grain for my liking i use a brush in light room, brush the whole background and crank the nose slier up to about 52 and no more noise on the background.
you need at least 1/1000 for birds in flight, 1/2000 would be ideal but the most i ever go is 1/1250. even at 1/1000 i still get some wing blur at times.

1/500 is great for stationary birds.

i do not see that much noise in your photo, you probably could have went higher with the ISO, i got mine set to 10,000 for the limit. not sure about the 5100 you have but the 5300 i had did well up to about 6400 iso.. if the background has too much grain for my liking i use a brush in light room, brush the whole background and crank the nose slier up to about 52 and no more noise on the background.

I probably could have gone to ISO 4000 on the OM-D. I wasn't using the D5100...I rarely use it anymore. All these shots are with the Olympus 75-300mm lens.
With the micro four thirds, I've noticed an increase in noise, so I limit the auto to 2000...and got 1/500 out of it. I did eventually change to shutter priority at 1/1000.

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