Capturing distinctive bird images

Resurrecting this old thread because it's just that good.

Thanks again, Coastalconn
Thanks Peeb, maybe they should make this a sticky for new comers to the forum. Thanks everyone for all your kind words about the article!
Wow, nice thread. Very informative with useful tips. Thank you for bringing up this thread to light again. I wouldn't have been able to find it.
I'm seconding the sticky recommendation. Fantastic thread!
Excellent article Kristofer! I'm the guy you chatted with on your Facebook page regarding what lens to use for my new/used Nikon D810. Prior to this evening I never even heard of fine-tuning lenses. Your willingness to help aspiring photographers is pretty darned cool. If you ever need computer work done let me know, I'm an engineer for a managed service provider and know a thing or 3 about that stuff. Happy shooting Kristofer.
Valuable information! Thank you!

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