Black & White Beauty Shot


TPF Noob!
Apr 13, 2013
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Hello all.

Had an awesome shoot yesterday.

I had the opportunity to use the Nikon 70-200mm 2.8 for the first time ever. Absolutely loved the lens, and really really want to get one now (not that I can afford it :lol:)

Anyway, this is a quick little edit that I did when I got back from the shoot and I wanted to share with you & get some C&C on it.

This was shot on a Nikon D7000, with 70-200 2.8 (@120mm), 1/160sec @ f/3.5. Used 2 lights, 1 beautydish with a kicker (hair) off to the right of the frame with a white reflector below the model.

Interesting shot, gorgeous eyes... but with the light high and center, it throws a bit more darkness under the eyes and lower lip than I like. Reminds of me of a style that was popular in the 60's. What modifiers did you use? How were you setup?

One beautydish with a grid (can't remember what degree), kicker light for the hair, and a white reflector below the model. I think silver may of helped a little more with the shadows under the eyes and lips.
I get a 60's 70's feeling looking at this, its nice! just not sure about her mouth?? Her eyes are awesome. I think it is framed/cropped really well. I like.
I get a 60's 70's feeling looking at this, its nice! just not sure about her mouth?? Her eyes are awesome. I think it is framed/cropped really well. I like.
Yeah, right... you've never even seen the 70s, let alone the 60s! :greenpbl:
I get a 60's 70's feeling looking at this, its nice! just not sure about her mouth?? Her eyes are awesome. I think it is framed/cropped really well. I like.

really pretty but something with the mouth is off for me too.. I feel like she just barely missed the "look" she was going for with the mouth slightly open that I've seen 395839 times. its like, a lil too open maybe.

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