Black & White in Belgrade


TPF Noob!
Jan 4, 2016
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Greetings, I'm Nikola, hobbyist photographer and this is my first thread and post on this forum
I chose'd this two photos to " brake the ice ".
I hope that you will like my work or if you don't then just hope that you'll have some wise words for me which will help me in my future work.

For taking photos i used Nikon D3100 + 50mm 1.8g

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Nice "icebreaker". There is a dedicated Black & White forum if you're interested in discussing the merits of that genre.
Welcome to the forum! There is a lot of info on here, it is a great resource that will turn you into a great photographer! :)

I really like these, she has a lovely smile!
These also look like a good start to me. But I will leave it to some of the more experienced members to give you pointers, I don't want to accidently mess you up. :)

She does look good in color! :lol:
Welcome to TPF! A very nice 'break the ice' offering indeed! The only issue of any concern at all that I see is some of them could use a little fill light (reflector, speedlight, whatever) on the face to brighten the eyes and get some catchlights happening. Other than that, I like your selection of poses and looks. Hoping to see more!
Welcome to TPF! A very nice 'break the ice' offering indeed! The only issue of any concern at all that I see is some of them could use a little fill light (reflector, speedlight, whatever) on the face to brighten the eyes and get some catchlights happening. Other than that, I like your selection of poses and looks. Hoping to see more!

Thank you tirediron,
About that part with more light, reflector, speedlight, etc. i can just tell you that i don't have any of that... for now i have Nikon D3100 + two lenses + chinese tripod :) ... so when i save some money for extra equipment i will think about that what you said... untill then i will do my best with this few things that i have :)
...About that part with more light, reflector, speedlight, etc. i can just tell you that i don't have any of that... for now i have Nikon D3100 + two lenses + chinese tripod :) ... so when i save some money for extra equipment i will think about that what you said... untill then i will do my best with this few things that i have :)
It doesn't have to cost anything. A 2'x2' piece of white card stock or even metal foil will do wonders!
It doesn't have to cost anything. A 2'x2' piece of white card stock or even metal foil will do wonders!

Oh, sorry... my english is not best, and sometime i made some mistakes... you said "reflector" and I immediately suposed that you think about something different... anyway... you are right completely about that I could use it... next time i will have that on my mind.
No worries; a lot of times the simple solution is overlooked because people assume you HAVE to spend money on camera gear. Granted, we all like to, but in truth, there's a lot that you can do/get/make for free or next to nothing.
Ahh color...that's for me. And this is a very nice set. I like her serious faces best.
They're not bad. Adjusting the model's position in order to get more light in her eyes and so the light sculpts her face a little more would really help these shots though. Look up the makeup technique called "highlighting and contouring", and try applying it to the way you light someone. It really helped me improve my portrait lighting, and has reduced the amount of time I spend retouching by quite a lot.
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Welcome to TPF! A very nice 'break the ice' offering indeed! The only issue of any concern at all that I see is some of them could use a little fill light (reflector, speedlight, whatever) on the face to brighten the eyes and get some catchlights happening. Other than that, I like your selection of poses and looks. Hoping to see more!

Thank you tirediron,
About that part with more light, reflector, speedlight, etc. i can just tell you that i don't have any of that... for now i have Nikon D3100 + two lenses + chinese tripod :) ... so when i save some money for extra equipment i will think about that what you said... untill then i will do my best with this few things that i have :)
90% of my work is done with available light, and I get by just fine without speedlites, reflectors, or other tools used to modify or add light to a shot. Yes, these tools are useful, but not a necessity for your gearbag. All you need for beautiful portraits are a camera, any lens, a person to photograph, and some know-how when it comes to using available light.
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