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TPF Noob!
Mar 19, 2006
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Nottingham, UK
I can't find the thread that I think was a sticky before about good books, bad books and ugly books. Did I dream such a thread or does it actually exist? Would it be worth kicking a similar thing off, or ressurecting the old one?

was it about photography books, or pictures of books? if it was pictures, it would be in the themes section...if it was about books it was probably in the general photography Q&A, which was changed. you'll probably have to wait till a mod comes and finds this
bigfatbadger said:
I can't find the thread that I think was a sticky before about good books, bad books and ugly books. Did I dream such a thread or does it actually exist? Would it be worth kicking a similar thing off, or ressurecting the old one?

I'm not sure if we had a thread like that. :scratch:

If you are researching on new titles, there are couple of links in the TPF Links Directory that might be of help > click.
Would it be worth starting one? I don't mean anything extravagant, just the title of the book you've recently read, a few lines on whether it was any good or not? Or would I be kaiboshing the links directory if I did that?
Here are a couple of 'book' threads from the Off-Topic section.
thread 1
thread 2
thread 3

bigfatbadger said:
Would it be worth starting one? I don't mean anything extravagant, just the title of the book you've recently read, a few lines on whether it was any good or not? Or would I be kaiboshing the links directory if I did that?
Starting a thread here will not affect the Links Dir. Please feel free. :)
Digital Matt said:
Umm, I think you meant photography related books, right? :p
Yep, and in the last layout version of TPF, we did, in fact, have some kind of recommended photography reading sticky. There were about 2-3 stickies that mysteriously vanished when we did the transition to our current layout...can't find them, period.

I think these kinds of "recommended reading" lists are always useful; by all means, start a new thread. :)

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