Bubble Head c&c


TPF Noob!
Jan 1, 2009
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I shot these pictures in a dark bathroom and I had to adjust the exposure quite a bit in PP and adjust WB. I'm selling my life away on ebay at the moment to get some cash to buy that Speedlite!! Any comments?


I like the pictures. I do not possess the knowledge needed to comment on the details but it looks like you did a good job to me.
Nice captures, but I do see a few things:

#1.) You seem to have focused on the forehead instead of the eyes, which should be the focal point, making the eyes appear a bit OOF. Also, her (?) elbow got a bit cut off, which is just a peeve of mine (unless done compositionally), but here it seems like you just missed your cropping. Other than that, I like it.

#2.) A bit too much dead space on the bottom for my personal liking, but great job capturing her expression!
Very cute child! I think you took these pictures at a very good angle. I would try to get a little more DOF though. Maybe just one more F stop. The other thing would be to crop them in more, getting rid of the extra space.

First picture exif:
Shutter Speed - 1/250
Aperture - f/1.8
ISO - 800
Focal Length - 50mm
White Balance - Auto

Second picture exif:
Shutter Speed - 1/250
Aperture - f/1.8
ISO - 800
Focal Length - 50mm
White Balance - Auto

Both pictures are very nice but the white balance is really different between the two...the first one is on the cool side and the second one is on the warm side. Were these shot in RAW or JPEG?
when i saw the title, i thought it was one of those toys that have a dangling head. lol

anyways, nice images, you've captured a really good moment.
idk if its just me or her/his eyes are pixelated or a little blury.

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