C&C - LR3 Split Tone - Bridge at Sunset


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 12, 2012
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Michigan (Detroit Metro)
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I like how this turned out, but I can't help but feel it's not all it could be... Composition just doesn't feel quite right, and I don't think I nailed the colors. Please critique, and don't feel the need to be gentle. :)For reference sake, here is the original image:This was taken about 40 minutes after sunset with a Nikon D7000 using an 18-200mm set to 24mm. Exposure time was 8 sec to get good streaks from the moving cars. I was tripod mounted (obviously) and used a remote release. No flash.
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Wow! 24 hours and 120 views without a comment! Does that mean I did indeed achieve nirvana? Can I quit my day job and become a full time picture takerer? Lol
I think that a YES! lol

Great photo, nice colours, I would have done a panoramia to give it that extra bit of wow factor. But all in all I like it
I can see the original photo, its pretty :)
The edit looks way oversaturated and un-natural. Try using the Camera Raw 'Gradient and Adjustment Brush tools to more localize your edits rather than editing globally..

Nikon's 18-200 mm lens is a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none, 11x+ superzoom convenience lens. You pay image quality penalties for that 11x superzoom convenience.,

Did you see all the dust bunnies on your image sensor? You likely could have used a larger aperture than f/14 and still have gotten sufficient DoF.
here is the original image:

I used ACR 6 (Camera Raw/Lightroom), Photoshop CS5, and Topaz Adjust.

The edit looks way oversaturated and un-natural. Try using the Camera Raw 'Gradient and Adjustment Brush tools to more localize your edits rather than editing globally..

Nikon's 18-200 mm lens is a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none, 11x+ superzoom convenience lens. You pay image quality penalties for that 11x superzoom convenience.,

Did you see all the dust bunnies on your image sensor? You likely could have used a larger aperture than f/14 and still have gotten sufficient DoF.

KmH, thanks for the feedback, seriously!

I probably should have mentioned that I was going for oversaturated, or at least "loud." I took this for the 52 Week Challenge in the photo assignments area of the forum and the theme for the week was "Color." I have to admit, though, I definitely like your edit.

A true wide angle lens is on my short list to buy. At the moment, the only thing I have that'll go wider than 50 is the "jack of all trades" lens.

I shot f/14 because I wanted a minimum 8 sec exposure to help generate the tail-light streaks, again for the sake of "color." I could have dropped back to ISO 100 and gained a stop though. Would that have been preferable?

The dust bunnies were on the lens, which is better than being on the sensor, but damn... lol yeah. I wish I'd seen them before taking those shots rather than after. That's since been fixed, but... arghhh...
Love both of them, if I had to choose the second is the one for me. The first one does look a little "unbelievable", I don't know how else to put it. Either way, nice clean shots. Well done!

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