C&C on a bikini photo


TPF Noob!
May 21, 2012
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Norfolk, VA
Can others edit my Photos
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I feel like this photo is somewhere between awful and awesome... If you think it's already awesome, then I don't mind hearing so... However, if you see plenty of room for improvement, could you provide me with some tips (or re-edits) to push it over the awesome line?


P.S. Her eyes are two different colors naturally. That's not a photoshop fail.
Just trying to nit pick to give ya something to do...

maybe that light/reflection under her left eye, and it seems a tad on the too bright side for my liking.

as for adjusting her in the pose...maybe have her loosen that top a bit...obviously so it still supports, but doesn't impress on her sides as much and force things out of the front middle side.

Great shot though, nit picks aside.
oh, and after um...zooming in....for um technical reasons...I noticed the light reflection in her eyes is dead center. May want to try to have that reflection at top or top left or right of her pupil. Maybe edit it out for this shot since you cant have her change where she's looking at the moment.
I think your flash is too hot and the photo is slightly overexposed in general.
Just trying to nit pick to give ya something to do...

maybe that light/reflection under her left eye, and it seems a tad on the too bright side for my liking.

as for adjusting her in the pose...maybe have her loosen that top a bit...obviously so it still supports, but doesn't impress on her sides as much and force things out of the front middle side.

Great shot though, nit picks aside.

I don't think that's how tight or loose the top is, I think she just has the wrong size top on.
Just trying to nit pick to give ya something to do...

maybe that light/reflection under her left eye, and it seems a tad on the too bright side for my liking.

as for adjusting her in the pose...maybe have her loosen that top a bit...obviously so it still supports, but doesn't impress on her sides as much and force things out of the front middle side.

Great shot though, nit picks aside.

I don't think that's how tight or loose the top is, I think she just has the wrong size top on.

Well yeah it's too small, assuming she wanted it like that. Since you can't always change attire onsite, I think a quick fix would be to loosen it to allow it not to impress on her skin and allow her boob to go back in and down a bit. Although, she may have wanted it protruding as such. If ya got it, ya got it, and she has them...so no real need to try to accent them in such a way, if it was intentional on her part. Just my opinion. ;-)
Just trying to nit pick to give ya something to do...

maybe that light/reflection under her left eye, and it seems a tad on the too bright side for my liking.

as for adjusting her in the pose...maybe have her loosen that top a bit...obviously so it still supports, but doesn't impress on her sides as much and force things out of the front middle side.

Great shot though, nit picks aside.

I don't think that's how tight or loose the top is, I think she just has the wrong size top on.

Well yeah it's too small, assuming she wanted it like that. Since you can't always change attire onsite, I think a quick fix would be to loosen it to allow it not to impress on her skin and allow her boob to go back in and down a bit. Although, she may have wanted it protruding as such. If ya got it, ya got it, and she has them...so no real need to try to accent them in such a way, if it was intentional on her part. Just my opinion. ;-)

haha, well I think the issue is that the two cups are too far apart, and loosening may have just let it fall out altogether. Actually I think size wise, the issue was it being too big, in the chest size measurement (not cup size), placing the cups too far apart. Though it may have been the design type where the string goes through the bottom of each cup, in which case it could be adjusted.
So technical. lol

I didn't envision it falling out all together...jsut figured it may go a bit back into place. Oh well, something to experiment on at a later date. lol.
Between awesome and awful is about right. The awesome part is that she is pretty hot. The awful part is your exposure. The posing was decent but yes her hair was covering up some sexy cleavage. The exposure itself looks a bit over exposed and harsh.

Im with trev. Take about 100 more and post them and we will help you pick the best.

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