C&C : SELF-PORTRAIT with my new CANON 24-105mm !


TPF Noob!
Feb 4, 2012
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Hi guys! I'd like to know what you think of this self-portrait I did with my new Canon 24-105mm that just arrived. I'm still experimenting photography and I tried to give a more dramatic look to this photo. Let me know what you think :)


1/125, f/10, ISO200, 85mm, on camera flash
What expression are you going for here?

I think with the expression you have, it would fit better if you were looking directly at the camera.
Anger. And you're right if I was looking in the camera it would be more intense.
I like it, maybe seeing a bit more of your hair would be nice.
That's what I thought! I'll try to do a second version of it.
I don't get anger! I get more bored "whatever"!
Looks like roid rage to me oO.
"Yo Adrian!"

I like it but would like to see more of the hair showing up. doesnt have to be much but a bit more would be nice.
SCPhotography said:
Lol roid rage is a bit exagerated

Lol no that look is the calm before storm, you are getting yourself ready and focused. Which what I will be tomorrow after photo class.
Those eyes arent sitting right with me, did you whiten in post?

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