can anyone help me fix this photo?


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 8, 2011
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aberdeenshire, Scotland
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Im not sure Ive posted in the right place but I was wondering if anyone had any tips or could help me fix this photo. I want to get rid on the white marquee that is in the background as I want the couple to stand out more. Im not that great with photoshop I usualy just use it for slight editing and im not even sure it is possible to do this well but thought I would ask the generous members of the photo forum for some advice! I have a few like this and would just like to salvage one image. Thanks for any help in advance!

I would start by darkening the highlights, and brightening the shadows. Nice shot by the way, quite original.

Like you, I'm not very good with photoshop, I like FastStone Image Viewer I find it easier to use and (Being you're Scottish) it's FREE ! It's very easy to use and does just about anything that I need.
It is doable. I would just make it B&W and call it good. By doing B&W, you wont see green and white in the background. It is a lot of work though.
Like this???


basic masking.. clone stamp ... content aware fill ( work.. spent maybe 3 minutes on it)
if this is in focus (so the mask would have well defined edges), it looks like it would be easy.

Send me a full-res image at [email protected] and I'll send you back the 'edited version.

use an free ftp site like or for the big file.
if this is in focus (so the mask would have well defined edges), it looks like it would be easy.

Send me a full-res image at [email protected] and I'll send you back the 'edited version.

use an free ftp site like or for the big file.

Most of it is easy to mask.. the section where the front of the brides dress coincides with the white background... I had to do some of it manually. You won't have a problem!!! :)
I used the clone brush to get rid of the white marquee and to get the couple to stand out more i desaturated part of the photo...

Thanks Lew, I sent you the image, I owe you one! :)
if this is in focus (so the mask would have well defined edges), it looks like it would be easy.

Send me a full-res image at [email protected] and I'll send you back the 'edited version.

use an free ftp site like or for the big file.
Im not sure Ive posted in the right place but I was wondering if anyone had any tips or could help me fix this photo. I want to get rid on the white marquee that is in the background as I want the couple to stand out more. Im not that great with photoshop I usualy just use it for slight editing and im not even sure it is possible to do this well but thought I would ask the generous members of the photo forum for some advice! I have a few like this and would just like to salvage one image. Thanks for any help in advance!


I think this would look good in B&W, but what is wrong with the green trees/shrubs? I like it, but seems the couple is a bit out of focus. Love the car.

I went a lot deeper with the edit and and changed the tones to try and take an entirely different approach with the feel. And yes, the faces are indeed out of focus. I tried B&W and it looked great too.

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