Can someone please simply explain to me why my iPhone pics are a million times better


TPF Noob!
Aug 27, 2011
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...and more reliable than this 14 megapixel FujiFilm camera? (The iPhone is 5 megapixels. Yeah, I don't understand.)

I know anyone can snap semi-amazing photos on an iPhone -- I am one of those people, knowing nothing about photography. However I'm currently assisting my uncle who is a high-demand professional photographer, the top in his field of specialty, and he got very impatient with me immediately after buying me this to practice on, when he took me and his other (much more experienced) assistant to dinner and instructed me to start taking photos of people in the restaurant. And when I say "very impatient", I mean he got a ticket for speeding on the way home and has hardly spoken to me since (since my unsatisfactory attempt/failure at the restaurant, not receiving the ticket). I would really just like to f***ing work through this myself so I don't have further problems like this. But the reason he wasn't happy with what I was doing was because I know I know nothing about photography -- and also I have developed an obsession of sorts of snapping pictures with my friggen iphone, many of which tend to come out perfectly to my liking, beautifully, I think. Obviously they're not going to be magazine-quality or anything like that, but I don't DO that, and they can be extremely clear in my book... usually are, except for at night or in the dark; and then of course I can't catch certain things because of course it's totally limited to just taking the pictures and like zooming which is usually not the best option anyway. But at least I can GET good pictures. This is my problem. On this f((((((** thing I can't ***** get good ****** pictures. WHY NOT. What do I have to DO. Give me some tips to have it look like the iPhone pictures generally do, because they're ***** reliable and look GOOD. I don't want to have drama over not being able to work the friggen camera. He didn't look at the pictures even, I wasn't getting in anybody's face enough, but only because I don't want to get in people's face over CRAP, and I knew they were all coming out like CRAP. I couldn't get it to stay still for one thing; then none of them came out clear -- the QUALITY I mean, not even the friggen movement, BESIDES the movement -- THEN I guess it's the shutter speed? (you see I know absolutely nothing, I am a pre-beginner, but I don't PRETEND to EITHER, I was ASKING what to DO...) but the camera would only shoot like at least 30 seconds later... so obviously when it's people performing and eating and moving around and all that all I could manage to get was absolute fcking CRAP. I couldn't get anyone SMILING, because they would be DONE by the time the fcking thing took my picture. So I wasn't happy. So I wasn't trying for particularly great shots or anything until I could figure the damn thing OUT. But he literally was actually just so pissed or frustrated with me that he just took the camera. Then after he was telling me I have to do this and that, but nothing about what my problem was still -- but I still just said okay, so give me the camera back, so I could try. But he just dismissed me and told his assistant to go take pictures with their pro cameras -- while he already knows what he's doing, basically, at least, I know he's assisting to learn, but to learn MORE... I know NOTHING. I didn't even come to become a photographer; I want to learn some, and see how I do, of course, or at least just LEARN to LEARN something... but I don't want this to be a recurring issue and he's got really short patience for my incompetence. And he has no time, and I'm going through his photography magazines and reading them but I don't even exactly know what all the things they keep talking about are, is what I'm saying, so it can only help so much... I mean it does help... they are informative... but I need some much more basic help.

So the camera is a FujiFilm FinePix XP30; he said because it's waterproof... so maybe it'll be better underwater who knows. But what do I do with it. All my pictures were crap. They were bad QUALITY. I have the camera set to FINE from NORMAL because it WAS bad and it still IS but it's 14 megapixels so how is that possible? Please tell me. I don't get it.

Thanks anybody and everybody in advance.
Post some example photos. Also, resolution isn't the be-all end-all determining factor for image quality.

Sent from my HTC Pyramid.
Oh great it's a crap camera just looked up reviews so what am I supposed to just impress him by getting in people's faces to take crap photos of them well that's wonderful never mind guys thanks idk
Crash and burn....oooh.
Why would a professional photographer at the top of his game give you THAT camera?

I wonder if he is some sort of mr. miyagi or something...

That's a simple point and shoot camera with limited control over the various aspects of imagery that professional photographers take advantage of to produce good pictures. With that being said, those types of cameras are capable of OK pictures, but it often requires that you find the sweet spot with the camera, and I really doubt the dinner table is it. Read the manual provided with the camera and take a ton of pictures. Dimly lit, bright sunlight, close up, far away, in the house, on the street, etc. you get the point. Once you have mastered that camera, you have unlocked your soul and may reach enlightenment... young grasshopper.
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Shoot the way you want, how you want and when you want. Because someone is a 'high-demand professional <insert trade here' only means they're good at marketing themselves, it does NOT automatically mean they're accomplished in their chosen field. If you have a genuine interest in photography, then do what you want. It's fine to take advice and have questions answered by someone, but if they're demanding that you do this or that, they're probably not the best teacher in the world.
I know anyone can snap semi-amazing photos on an iPhone -- I am one of those people, knowing nothing about photography. However I'm currently assisting my uncle who is a high-demand professional photographer, the top in his field of specialty, and he got very impatient with me immediately after buying me this to practice on, when he took me and his other (much more experienced) assistant to dinner and instructed me to start taking photos of people in the restaurant. And when I say "very impatient", I mean he got a ticket for speeding on the way home and has hardly spoken to me since (since my unsatisfactory attempt/failure at the restaurant, not receiving the ticket). I would really just like to f***ing work through this myself so I don't have further problems like this. But the reason he wasn't happy with what I was doing was because I know I know nothing about photography -- and also I have developed an obsession of sorts of snapping pictures with my friggen iphone, many of which tend to come out perfectly to my liking, beautifully, I think. Obviously they're not going to be magazine-quality or anything like that, but I don't DO that, and they can be extremely clear in my book... usually are, except for at night or in the dark; and then of course I can't catch certain things because of course it's totally limited to just taking the pictures and like zooming which is usually not the best option anyway. But at least I can GET good pictures. This is my problem. On this f((((((** thing I can't ***** get good ****** pictures. WHY NOT. What do I have to DO. Give me some tips to have it look like the iPhone pictures generally do, because they're ***** reliable and look GOOD. I don't want to have drama over not being able to work the friggen camera. He didn't look at the pictures even, I wasn't getting in anybody's face enough, but only because I don't want to get in people's face over CRAP, and I knew they were all coming out like CRAP. I couldn't get it to stay still for one thing; then none of them came out clear -- the QUALITY I mean, not even the friggen movement, BESIDES the movement -- THEN I guess it's the shutter speed? (you see I know absolutely nothing, I am a pre-beginner, but I don't PRETEND to EITHER, I was ASKING what to DO...) but the camera would only shoot like at least 30 seconds later... so obviously when it's people performing and eating and moving around and all that all I could manage to get was absolute fcking CRAP. I couldn't get anyone SMILING, because they would be DONE by the time the fcking thing took my picture. So I wasn't happy. So I wasn't trying for particularly great shots or anything until I could figure the damn thing OUT. But he literally was actually just so pissed or frustrated with me that he just took the camera. Then after he was telling me I have to do this and that, but nothing about what my problem was still -- but I still just said okay, so give me the camera back, so I could try. But he just dismissed me and told his assistant to go take pictures with their pro cameras -- while he already knows what he's doing, basically, at least, I know he's assisting to learn, but to learn MORE... I know NOTHING. I didn't even come to become a photographer; I want to learn some, and see how I do, of course, or at least just LEARN to LEARN something... but I don't want this to be a recurring issue and he's got really short patience for my incompetence. And he has no time, and I'm going through his photography magazines and reading them but I don't even exactly know what all the things they keep talking about are, is what I'm saying, so it can only help so much... I mean it does help... they are informative... but I need some much more basic help.
I suggest you worry more about how to make a paragraph. :lmao:

I didn't read any of that big block of text I quoted.
I'd really love to hear the other side of this story. Not that we will, but I'm certain it would be entertaining and enlightening.
...he was telling me I have to do this and that, but nothing about what my problem was still....

Sounds like he was trying to teach you and you simply didn't want to do what he was asking. I'd have been frustrated with you too. Maybe if you'd settled down and done what he asked (including getting closer to people) then you would have gotten better results. I really don't know but it sounds to me like it was simply a matter of the two of you butting heads. Having your first lesson in a dimly lit restaurant and then blowing his top don't exactly scream "professionalism" from him, but I get the feeling you could have handled things better as well.

If you really do want to learn photography, a simple google search will give you more tutorials than you could ever hope for. Maybe start with learning about shutter speed, ISO, and aperture. Google "rule of reciprocity." Understanding how those three things work together is the foundation for any photography beyond point and shoot.
.[h=2]Can someone please simply explain to me why my iPhone pics are a million times better[/h]..and more reliable than this 14 megapixel FujiFilm camera?

For the same reason that the drive to the store is smoother and easier in a Cadillac with P/S, AC and soft suspension than in a Saleen S7 with 6 speed manual. Both the Caddy and the iPhone require only that you have the requisite number of limbs. A more complicated camera and car require some knowledge, experience and maturity to navigate successfully.
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Well I am kind of suspicious here of his intent and your motivations. With statements like?

"and he got very impatient with me immediately after buying me this to practice on,"

He is a pro how long? How long did He take and you have to learn the camera first and then the craft?

"And when I say "very impatient", I mean he got a ticket for speeding on the way home and has hardly spoken to me since"

Sounds like he has some unprofessional & behavioral issues that are counterproductive to his profession.

"But the reason he wasn't happy with what I was doing was because I know I know nothing about photography"

And as a professional he should and would have known that and not have unrealistic expectations of you. Most have years of experience of constant shooting intimately learning their gear and learning photography before hanging out their shingle.

"and also I have developed an obsession of sorts of snapping pictures with my friggen iphone, many of which tend to come out perfectly to my liking, beautifully, I think. Obviously they're not going to be magazine-quality or anything like that, but I don't DO that"

Well that is not what photography is about snapping pics. And yes need to learn about Light,Composition and if those are boring or troublesome to learn about them and learning to zoom and frame and compose and image. Then you are in the wrong profession. And your statement Their not going to be magazine-quality kind of sums your attitude towards photography in general which is very disciplined or motivated to go beyond the i-phone snaps. My recommendation is to bow out helping as a assistant and let him find someone else.

"I don't want to have drama over not being able to work the friggen camera."

Well that means becoming intimate with how the camera works. Knowing how the camera behaves and having the knowledge to know how each control,button and feature affects an image. And a camera or lens inherent strengths and limitations. Again another clue to you are in the wrong profession.

"I knew they were all coming out like CRAP. I couldn't get it to stay still for one thing; then none of them came out clear -- the QUALITY I mean, not even the friggen movement, BESIDES the movement -- THEN I guess it's the shutter speed? (you see I know absolutely nothing, I am a pre-beginner, but I don't PRETEND to EITHER, I was ASKING what to DO...) but the camera would only shoot like at least 30 seconds later... so obviously when it's people performing and eating and moving around and all that all I could manage to get was absolute fcking CRAP. I couldn't get anyone SMILING, because they would be DONE by the time the fcking thing took my picture. So I wasn't happy. "

He should have Known! you wouldn't be able to get a lot in the way of acceptable results. It takes a lot of people practice to learn to anticipate people reactions and develop an intuitive feel for when to click the shutter to capture the moment.

And all your demeanor and dissatisfaction again points to a lack of desire to learn photography. You stated you are Unhappy!
So I ask again Why Are You doing this?
And Yep shows He doesn't know proper equipment if he gave you a Fujifilm FinePix XP30 to shoot. As if that is all he gave you then I would have just let you shoot your iPhone that you were comfortable with. As it not about the megapixels.
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I wonder why a professional photographer would want you to practice with a fujifilm camera, then be upset when it doesn't come out good. Fujifilm is the lowest quality for everything .. photo prints, film, and cameras. I'm sorry buddy, but don't let it bother you. you really can't make magic with crap like that.
My question is why the hell would he have you disturb patrons in a restaurant while they are trying to have a nice meal? I would be one pissed off mo-fo if someone got in my face with a camera while I was scarfing down my lobster...just saying.

On a side note, I love how the iPhone photos come out sometimes too... like this one...


But it certainly doesn't compare to my a Fujifilm however....I can see where you are coming from.

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