Can the camera drain the battery?


TPF Noob!
Oct 20, 2010
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I have Canon 350D and 2 batteries that I bought about 4-5 years ago. Recently my batteries started run out of juice after 10 pictures. So I thought it was finally the time to replace the batteries. So I bought 2 new ones. And now the same thing is happening with the new batteries. I charge them; put them in, take a few pictures and they're dead. Why? What's going on?

Thanks for any tips!
I was hoping to get some help with my problem :( Please?? :hail:
Are you using the same charger on the new batteries as you used to charge the old batteries that only lasted about 10 pictures
Not surprised the old batteries died, but I agree with the others that it sounds like a charger problem if it's happening with new batteries too.
How long does the charger take to charge the batteries from empty?
Yes, a fault in the camera could be draining the batteries prematurely, as well as it being a faulty battery charger.

Have you looked inside the battery compartment at the condition of the battery contacts? Are those contacts clean, or are they corroded?
Everyone, thank you!
Yes, I am using the same charger. I haven't tried charging the new batteries from zero yet, I will try as soon as the batteries die! I haven't thought of that!
The only thing that goes against this idea is I that when I bought the batteries, the lady at the store put them on the express charger and the one battery I used the next morning still died after a few pictures… But I will test the time it takes to charge to start.
The battery compartment looks clean, no corrosion.
Sometimes old batteries just don't hold a charge. I get this problem with battery powered tools like drills and saws. It might be time to replace the batteries.
I understand that about the old batteries. But what about the ones I JUST bought I had the same problem??

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