Can You ID These Birds?


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Jun 14, 2013
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First off, I'm no birder! I have no long glass! I may should have just put these in just for fun. I suck. I know this already. I just wanted to get an ID on these weirs-looking things. I did a quick search and they could possibly be Hybrid or Glossy Ibis. Woohoo!! First I've ever seen one! Any kind of one! Photos are to far away, cropped, and many other dumb things I could do to create not even mediocre images. But if they can be identified, then I can at least say they were good enough to figure out what they were! LOL!!

Without further ado...............................





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They look like White-faced Ibises in their non-breeding plumage. I do not think that they are Glossy Ibis and as for being "hybrid", my bird books do not have any of this kind.

The first thing I did was check on eBird for the state of OK. I'm assuming you too these there. White-faced are more common than Glossy but they do have listed some hybrids between the two but very many. I think WesternGuy's call on White-faced Ibis is a good one.

Also there is a Killdeer in the forground of the first two shots.
Thanks, guys. White-faced Ibis................. I like it! I've lived here all my life and have never seen one until yesterday! Same with the GBH's and egrets.................. didn't know we had them around here until I bought a camera 2 years ago!
Thanks, guys. White-faced Ibis................. I like it! I've lived here all my life and have never seen one until yesterday! Same with the GBH's and egrets.................. didn't know we had them around here until I bought a camera 2 years ago!

Story of my photography life Snerd. I had no clue that most every bird I have photographed in the last 4 years, even existed. It's great that my eyes are now open to enjoy the nature.

Here is one I got in flight a while back. They have amazing colors. White-faced Ibis by JacaRandaPhotography, on Flickr

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