Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS STM

I added the 55-250 to my other three lenses for my RP. It fills in nicely with my 35 f 1.8 and 50 f 1.8 STM’s. Two give me speed, the other extended range. I will say that the weight factor in the 55-250 is increased as you extend out that lens. I use the Canon lens adapter on the RP and the lenses. Flawless operation.

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I took this with a 55-250.

I kind of like this one, not so much for the scenery as the settings I chose. It's nice, warm picture, I think.

It's taken in AV mode and auto ISO at an f8 stop and 50mm focal length, through a window. The camera selected 1/100th of a sec and an ISO of 100. I used a -.3 exposure compensation and a color polarizer filter.

Steve Thomas

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