Canon EF-S 55-250mm IS Lens


TPF Noob!
May 7, 2013
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Hello all and Happy Thanksgiving,
Just picked up a Canon EF-S 55-250mm IS lens in nice condition for $18.00 from an estate sale. I realize this is not the newer IS II or the STM version, but was wondering if I might still get some good use out of it for landscapes? The price was cheap, but hope this older model is still capable of delivering a decent photo? I'll be using it with a Canon EOS 50D. Looking forward to your responses.
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Hi mr.mike, I had the original IS and then later on the STM version. The STM is definitely better. A 55-250 is a handy lens. My suggestion would be to try out the lens, and if it works for you, look for a second hand STM. I wanted to take pictures of birds, so in the end I bought a longer lens and got rid of the 55-250 because I was not using it anymore
Hi mr.mike, I had the original IS and then later on the STM version. The STM is definitely better. A 55-250 is a handy lens. My suggestion would be to try out the lens, and if it works for you, look for a second hand STM. I wanted to take pictures of birds, so in the end I bought a longer lens and got rid of the 55-250 because I was not using it anymore
Thank you for your response. I truly appreciate it.

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