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Canon EF-S 55-250mm F4-5.6 IS STM Lens


TPF Noob!
Feb 14, 2017
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Hey y'all I am lookin for a good lens for wildlife photography and a decent "travel" lens. I have done some research on the 55-250 and it seems to be up my ally but am wondering what you (the community at large) think of this lens and what you use it for. Is it good"? Does it take good pictures? things like that. I am by no means made of cash and can get this for $299 on amazon with warranty or the international version without warranty for $134(the warranty seems to be the only difference). But if you can give me a better lens for the T3i that's reasonable on price I would appreciate it. I wont be using this lens none stop granted, but mainly for hikes and such and for landscapes perhaps.
I bought this lens as my first "wildlife" lens. Go on canon and buy a refurbished one. You won't ever be able to tell its not "brand new", because canon makes it brand new again and resells it. Mine gave good results and decently sharp photos. I haven't used it for wildlife since I bought my tamron 150-600 g2, but use it around the yard to take photos of the kids and animals playing. It won't be a great landscape lens due to the compression of a 55-250, but it should do ok for semi close wildlife.
They puppy was shot with the 55-250 to give you an idea of the images it produces

The originals on my computer are a bit sharper due to them being uploaded from computer to Flickr and then from flickr to phone and then phone to tapatalk, but they're close
It's a good lens for wildlife, but not so much for landscapes. I agree with the poster above to look around and buy used, it'll save a few bucks and if bought from a reputable company you won't know the difference.
Thanks y'all I went ahead and bought it. I use my 50mm for landscapes mainly so this will do nicely for wild life and a walk around lens.
Yes I did

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