Canon Lens in Japan


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Jul 29, 2015
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I am about to go to Japan very soon. Just wondering if the price is cheaper than here.
They might be -- I lived in Japan, but left a long time ago. Japanese products weren't necessarily cheaper in Japan because of the many levels of domestic distribution before they got to a retail outlet. Having said that, prices of just about everything have really come down, given the past 20+ years of deflation. You can go to Shinjuku, to Yodobashi Camera, where I was able to bargain down the price on a new camera, although I don't know if you can still do that. Regardless, you might want to check out Japan Camera Hunter for info that is more current.
No they're not. It's pretty much comparable if not a little bit more.

Edit: Pay close attention to the Yen rate while your there. It can fluctuate daily. Typically the dollar is worth more, so its better to use Yen. If it flips the other way, you'll save money using the dollar.
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Considering the import duties you'll pay coming through USA customs and having what is effectively a 'grey market' camera, I wonder if that is enough incentive to buy it there.
It depends on where you go. Try BIC camera. If you can't speak Japanese, it might be difficult. Additionally, not sure if the warranty would be good where you are from.

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