Car pics *JDM Soarer*


TPF Noob!
Aug 8, 2007
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Took pics of my friend's car the other day because he just got it painted and have his bodykit installed :) Comments and suggestions are appreciated.











^^^ location deff. need to be changed. The only reason why I shot the car there was because my friend is about to raised the car up. Will move to better location next time ;)

needs more RB26 :)
Nothing wrong whatsoever with the car. It's just the location, I think you need to shoot it somewhere natural so the car stands out. Most car advertisements do so.
looks sweet, you got some nice angles of it there.... as for location with JDM cars in general ive always though the "industrial" locations are great, loading bays, shutter doors etc
Thanks to everyone for the comments and suggestions! I really appreciated it.

She is a nice looking machine but I have to ask what is the "JDM Soarer" in the title?

Thanks! this car is called Lexus SC for the US market. This one is the other version which made for the Japanese market and called Toyota Soarer (produced by Toyota rather than Lexus). JDM stands for "Japanese Domestic Market" and usually used when people put Japanese-only products on their cars. This one is a different case because it came straight from Japan :)

P.S. check on the steering wheel location
Thanks to everyone for the comments and suggestions! I really appreciated it.

Thanks! this car is called Lexus SC for the US market. This one is the other version which made for the Japanese market and called Toyota Soarer (produced by Toyota rather than Lexus). JDM stands for "Japanese Domestic Market" and usually used when people put Japanese-only products on their cars. This one is a different case because it came straight from Japan :)

P.S. check on the steering wheel location

Ah, it cought me off guard as I have tried several times to get an automotive customizing shop up and running in the past, That shop carrying my initials was and is planned to be "JDM custom Auto", I grew a little worried that another company took the name out from under me :mrgreen:
a bit oversaturated in the red in some of them...but good pics anyway. I agree about the background....but sometimes you just can't pick the location.
I was just about to post what Sideburns did, the saturation of the red is slightly too powerful in many of them.

Otherwise they are pretty good shots.
Great pics. The location, like you said, could definitely use a change heh.

The only thing I'd have to say is to remain consistant with the shots. The white balance varies from shot to shot and as well as the contrast, as people have mentioned.

JDM power!

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