CF card error


TPF Noob!
Jun 28, 2007
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
OK, got my new D300, shot a few test pics, put CF card into my computer, when I click on the icon to open the file, so I can copy to hard drive, I get an error pop-up.

The pop up reads:

"COM Surrogate has stopped working"

And then the explorer/window/file shuts down.

The pics look great in the camera, on the LCD, but my two computers won't let me 'open' the card file....

connect your camera to the computer using the cable...see what happens.
Garrett, I merged your two identical threads for you. OK? Posting a question once is enough, I think, all else just clutters the forums.
OK, got my new D300, shot a few test pics, put CF card into my computer, when I click on the icon to open the file, so I can copy to hard drive, I get an error pop-up.

The pop up reads:

"COM Surrogate has stopped working"

And then the explorer/window/file shuts down.

The pics look great in the camera, on the LCD, but my two computers won't let me 'open' the card file....


sounds n´more like a card reader problem to me. but I might be mistaken.

as suggested, try to copy the file using the camera and connect it to one of your computers.
THX for the merge LaFoto, I was unsure which forum to post in for this topic....

Also, thx for the other ideas, I did hook up the camera via USB direct to the computer, it would put the file in the computer, but then my Nikon Picture Project would not recognize the .nef it still won't open!

Are the D50 .nef files different from the D300 .nef files? Maybe due to diff sensor?

I guess tonite I can load up my CaptureNX and try it....

THX for any other ideas!!!
Did you format the card on the camera you were using BEFORE shooting? Usually a good idea instead of simply swapping between cameras.

If a new card there's always the chance you got a bad or counterfeit one - lots of mislabeled and bad quality stuff. I suspect the factory 'rejects' in China get 'recycled' or relabeled.

There are also compatability issues with newer faster cards and older readers but you should be able to download with a direct connect to the camera.
Picture project will not recognize D300 or D3 files. View NX in it's latest flavor will read them.
Hey Gang,

THX for the replies.....affirmative to all the great ideas, I did format, etc...

I used two diff cards, both did same thing.

I used two diff computers, both did same thing.

I got online and googled my error message, found from Microsoft a 'glitch' in WIndows VIsta, it does not recognize all media, all the is hit or I had to go into my folder options in Vista and change a couple settings for the folder set up, and....VOILA, all is fine..

But, I can't have thumbnails when I open a folder, only icons.....until Microsoft fixes and makes Vista recognize ALL data from ALL sources...

But my CaptureNX shows thumbnails, so I am set....and the D300 comes with CaptureNX....sweet.

THX all!!
I'm not a fan of Microsoft in general but for the non google savvy it has the most support (that or Mac).
I'm starting to seriously think about a MAC for photo stuff..... still working off Windows on this system.

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