Check This Out


TPF Noob!
Aug 28, 2004
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I know this is kind of goofy, but, check this out. This is over saturated by like 60%, which usually looks screwed up, but this looks cool. Or not??

Oh yes. Here it DOES look cool as saturated as the colours are.
The bright colours along with the black and white of the lighthouse ... waaay cool!
Wow, ya'll like it too! Ha ha! That's great, thanks. This light house is the Cape Hatteras light house on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. :)
AcSonpg - Yeah, they moved the lighthouse back and it is now about two thousand yards from the water. It took them months of preparation and 21 days to do the actual move. Here's a pic of my son standing on the old light house position marker with the new location in the background. This was taken a couple of days after the other shot above that I over saturated. In that shot above, the person with the white shirt on the foreground is my son (Which was cool too because it gave the light house scale.)


I remember when we were kids (about 30 some years ago), anyone could walk up into the light house at the old position anytime day or night without any restriction whatsoever. Now of course, you have to pay and it's all restricted and they watch everyone going up into it. The water was getting sort of close to it even back then.

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