Clients favorties from last session


TPF Noob!
Oct 17, 2007
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Here are a few of the ones the client loved. Again, C&C is appreciated - it's how I learn best!



Edited%20Files-34.jpglargethumb.jpg Files-34.jpglargethumb.jpg
First, your client likes her images, that's most important! I have one critique regarding image 2. Her body is facing to our right but the image has most of the space to the left. This creates a funky looking composition. Typically you want to shoot with most of the space on the side where the subject is facing, walking, flying or whatever...

I like the light, its kinda intense but not overly exposed. Nice balance!
Wicked crows feet on the first one, and since it's the only part of her face in focus, I think that's pretty bad. The shot is great, but the crows feet are pretty bad. Apparently that doesn't bother her, so who cares. It's so hard to notice stuff like that when you're shooting. But in hindsight, maybe you could have covered it with a bit of hair, or asked her to smile slightly less on the right side, to drop the cheek, or stopped down a bit to get her face in focus front to back, so your eye isn't immediately drawn to that part of her.
The second is pretty good. My only change would be that I think it feels awkward to have her on the right side of the frame facing out. Even though her head is facing into the camera, her body language is still going out of the frame.

Number three I think is great.
thanks for the comments. jwsciontc - these are differert shots - same model

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