Colorful Summer Day Lilies


TPF Noob!
Dec 9, 2011
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Long Island, New York
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Nice shots Joel, #3 is Spot on, love the water and rich colours :)
I enjoyed the first two the most. They are beautiful and very well composed.
Very nice Joel. I always find it hard taking a photo of a single flower without the same flowers in the background and not make it look weird, out of place. You did very well. #3 is my favourite, love the colours and water droplets. Thanks for sharing.
Rick, thanks so much for your kind words. I too love water droplets on flowers. Just makes it that much more of an interesting composition. Only trouble is that up here the gardens are watered hours before the gates are opened, so if hasn't rained, I've taken to carrying a plastic spray bottle with plain old water. Gets the job done every time.
ClearBlueHaze, thanks so much for stopping by. Seems that we have very similar tastes. This is the 2nd thread that you also picked the same flower as I did as your personal favorite.
Then we have good taste! Now I need to figure out how to get my camera to do what my eye wants it to do! ;-)

Then we have good taste! Now I need to figure out how to get my camera to do what my eye wants it to do! ;-)


Beth, I've been trying to basically do that on and off for more then 45 years, and still haven't come close to succeeding.

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