Colourful VW


TPF Noob!
Aug 14, 2007
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Windsor, Ontario
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Took these a long time ago, but just got around to deciding to post them.
Let me know what you think. All C+C welcome.



Love the first one, personally. I know these both break some rules, but I think the colour makes up for it.

The colour was not enhanced through PP. The first was sharpened. That's all.
Normally, I'm all for breaking rules or what have you, but I personally wish I could see the entire vehicle. Or maybe, just a wheel with some orange near the top. I'm not sure, I'm not even that familiar with how cars are usually shot, so I'm not sure what rules are even being broken. You're right about the color though, it's brilliant. My dad used to have a VW just like that.
Well that's the thing. In order to save the shot...I left out the background. It would have ruined the mood completely.

Oh well.

I wish I coulda got more of the car, too...but it was in the guy's driveway lol
you should get a full shot of this punch buggie.
there aren't doing any justice.
Well that's the thing. In order to save the shot...I left out the background. It would have ruined the mood completely.

Oh well.

I wish I coulda got more of the car, too...but it was in the guy's driveway lol

Ah, so that's why you shot it close like that. Now I understand. Well, the colors are still nice. Right?
I'm thinking that in the first one you could have still gotten the complete tire in frame. It looks amputated. A shallower DOF to blur the BG would have been better with isolating the subject. Would've made for a nice color combination as well.

Half dead plants in the whiskey barrel and the grey section kill the second on for me.
I'm thinking that in the first one you could have still gotten the complete tire in frame. It looks amputated. A shallower DOF to blur the BG would have been better with isolating the subject. Would've made for a nice color combination as well.

Half dead plants in the whiskey barrel and the grey section kill the second on for me.

ahh. Well, that's the crappy part of shooting in october in Ontario...(I'm pretty sure it was october. Too lazy to open lightroom and check)

i love this! but maybe im being biased b.c i love vws!!! yayyy =0

Thank you. I took them actually for my girlfriend. She is a beetle lover.
Reminds me of a porsche 911 from the angles you got, I also concur that some full shots of the bug would have been good as well. =)

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