

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Mar 23, 2012
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Siquijor, Philippines
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hi guys! It's my first post here, but would really love your honest - even brutal - comments for improvement. Thanks! ^^

Have you considered doing more post-processing? Maybe try softening the skin, enhancing the eyes, and playing with exposure and metering to brighten up the face some.
Welcome to the forum! Comments per req:

It's a good start, but there are ways to (IMO) improve. First of all, I would use a slightly smaller aperture, just enough so that my DoF rendered both eyes tack-sharp. I would have also had her turn her head or look slightly more to her left (image right) so that there was a little bit of sclera (the 'white' of the eye) visible on both sides of the pupil as this helps provide more definition to the face. I think a slightly wider/larger aspect would have helped as well... I'm not fond of the 'amputated' right ear Lastly, if you wanted to get really creative, a fill flash or reflector (even something as simple as a piece of white paper) would have helped light up her face.

All that aside, it's by no means a bad shot. Keep shooting, keep posting.

Just my $00.02 worth - your mileage may vary.

Wow thanks for the feedback! I'll try PP later, it's late already. ^^

@tirediron I just like the angle so she's facing that way. It just me anyway. And I'm glad you pointed out the "amputated ear" thing, it bothers me now that you mentioned it. :lol: thanks!!!

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