Contracts/Models Release?


TPF Noob!
Jun 29, 2015
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Can anyone help with a contract and model release?
What should be included?

I am new to the contracts and just needing some advice please!
You should include whatever your lawyer tells you to include. Release and contract law varies widely by country and province/state. Without knowing where in the world you are, there's really no useful help that anyone can offer.
I do not have a lawyer... I am still in the process of many things and Contract and Model release is something I would like to get ASAP. I will look at that link thank you!
I do not have a lawyer... I am still in the process of many things and Contract and Model release is something I would like to get ASAP. I will look at that link thank you!
Then you're doing things in the wrong order. Seriously... this is a legal document which could potentially save or cost you a lot of money if there is an issue down the road. Spend the $4-500 for a consult with a IP lawyer and get it RIGHT. Don't take advice from an international Internet forum
Thank you,
I was just looking for some suggestions.. Everyone starts somehwere

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