Couple Farm Shots... C&C appreciated

I think your shadow in #1 is kind of distracting. I really like #2.
C&C per req:

1. As mentioned the shadows really kill this image. Like people, animals are not usually best photographed from directly in front or to the side, (unless this was a shot for a sale advert or similar), but rather from a 3/4-ish profile. If you'd moved more in front of him and got him to cock his head a little, it would have been a killer shot. On the plus side though, good focus and exposure.

2. Wow, that's a great shot; a shame that the spider is so close in colour to the blooms, but not much you can do about that. I think would be tempted to try some colour adjustments on the flowers just to make the spider stand out more. I would be tricky, but it's do-able.

3. Harsh lighting in this one, but not a bad shot. A minor crop to move the insect out of dead-centre might help too.

Just my $00.02 worth - your mileage may vary.

Love number 2!
Thanks for the feedback, it really helps!

1. As mentioned the shadows really kill this image. Like people, animals are not usually best photographed from directly in front or to the side, (unless this was a shot for a sale advert or similar), but rather from a 3/4-ish profile. If you'd moved more in front of him and got him to cock his head a little, it would have been a killer shot. On the plus side though, good focus and exposure.

Now that I thought about it, this makes perfect sense. When I took the photo, I was in conformation mode, which isn't the most important thing in what I was trying to achieve.

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